Editing your theme

This is for people and organizations who would like to edit the theme or alter some elements. If you try to access the edit screen for the main version of the theme shared with your nation you will see a permission denied error. This is because the theme is administrated centrally and admins can generally only edit themes that live in their nation. To make edits, you can first create a clone of the theme in your nation by following the instructions below:

  1. Navigate to the relevant website in your nation's control panel and click the "Theme" tab

  2. Click the "New Custom Theme" button on the right of the page

  3. Enter a suitable name for the new theme, select the "Clone your current theme" option and click the submit button. It may take several minutes for the theme cloning process to complete.

  4. Once your copy of the theme has been created, you can navigate to the "Current custom theme" tab to edit the theme files and make any changes you wish to apply to your version.

Please note that we are unable to provide support for custom versions of our themes.

Last updated